For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power!

For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Take The Time To Make The Time

Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God. Job 37:14 
I have heard numerous people say, "God never talks to me," but I am convinced it is more likely that they never listen to Him, don't know how to hear from Him, or have become desensitized to His voice. God makes many attempts to speak to us through His Word, natural signs, supernatural revelation, and internal confirmation. Sometimes we think we cannot hear God's voice because there are certain obstacles in our hearts or in our lives that prevent us from hearing Him clearly. One of these things is simply being too busy. We get so busy that we have no time to wait on God or listen to His voice. We can even become so busy with spiritual activities, such as church or ministering to others, that we don't have a place in our schedules for God. What we do for GOd, should always be secondary to our personal relationship with Him. Time is ours to do with as we please so we should choose what we do with it wisely. Every person has the same amount of it daily and once it is used we cannot get it back. Work your schedule around God instead of trying to work Him into it.


  1. Tam, good post. I think you may REALLY enjoy a post I wrote on 11/30/09 entitled "God Speaks."

    Thanks for the visit and the follow.

  2. You are most welcome and thank you for all that you do!! I am reading now!!


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