He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand].
Psalm 91:1
For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power!
For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Are You Excited?
I was glad when they said to me, Let us go to the house of the Lord! (Psalms 122:1) As Christians we have so many blessings! We can know God, hear His voice, receive His love, trust Him to do what is best for us and rest in the fact that He has every aspect of our lives under control. We have lots of reasons to be excited! We get excited about all kinds of other things, so why shouldn't we be excited and thankful of our relationship with God? People often say that any visible display of enthusiasm in a spiritual setting is "emotionalism" We need to realize that it was God who gave us emotions and that although He does not want us to let them lead our lives, He does give them to us for a purpose, part of which is enjoyment. Even Jesus wept. If we are truly enjoying God, how can we not show some emotion about it? Why must our spiritual experience be dry, dull, boring & lifeless? I have been in many churches where people sing of God's everlasting love and how He will get you through the storm, singing as if they were mourning. When I think of God's love or how He is always there through the storms of this life, I get excited! Is Christianity supposed to be expressed by long faces, sad songs, and somber rituals? CERTAINLY NOT!! David said, "he was glad when he went into his Father's house," in 2 Samuel 6:14 he danced before God, "with all of his might". He also played his harp, sang to God, and rejoiced greatly. But David lived under the Old Covenant. Today, we live under the New Covenant and under it we who believe in Christ should be full of hope, joy, and peace. We no longer have to struggle to be acceptable to God, but we rest in the grace that Jesus made us acceptable. We no longer have to try to justify ourselves by OUR works, but we are justified by faith. We can hear His voice and enjoy His presence. We have been set free from every kind of bondage once we recognize who we have become in Christ Jesus....stepping into His righteousness..not of our own but of His!! That alone is one great reason to get excited!! I know I am thankful and excited, are you?
I am so blessed and I am so thankful that God gave his only Son that I might live through Him and I want to let the whole world know that He not only died for me but for all of you so that we might live a happy, blessed, and fortunate life full of the love and grace of God!!!
I am so blessed and I am so thankful that God gave his only Son that I might live through Him and I want to let the whole world know that He not only died for me but for all of you so that we might live a happy, blessed, and fortunate life full of the love and grace of God!!!