For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power!

For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Seven Invisible Barriers To Healing

What I am about to share with you guys is both from personal experience and from a book that I am currently reading entitled God's Word Heals by Derek Prince.  I am sure that there are many of you out there that right at this very moment needs God to heal you from something. I have shared with the group my testimony on my most recent healing, if you have not seen it then you can check my FB page or go down to older post it is there. For many years I have watched my mother walk with God.  I have witnessed several times when God has stuck his hand down and carried her and I both through certain areas in our lives.  I know how much my mother loves God and I know have seen her faith work miracles in my life and in others lives around us.  She is full of passion for people and their salvation.  She would stand firm against anything or anyone who comes against our Father.  However, my mother has battled sickness for many many years, and she acknowledges that prayer and her dedication to God is what has brought her where she is today.  Recently, sickness has tried to take her out and I know that it is not her time...we still have much left to do.  These spirits of infirmity has produced a rage in me that will not be satisfied until she receives what it is that God has promised her and I.  For weeks now I have been on a search for truth, for wisdom, for understanding, I don't know everything that that God has promised, I still have a lot left to learn, but I do know that for a father or a mother to give up their only son (I imagine me giving up Gabe, my only son as I speak) that God's love for us is a love that only God could have...until we come to know him through His Son Jesus.I know that the Word of God says that He is a God that cannot lie. I know that every single Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God will not return void, but will accomplish that which it was sent to do.  I know that the Bible is God breathed. I know that there are angels waiting for us to release commands so that they can perform on God's behalf and on our behalf. This is where the book comes in... I am sure that I will be posting more as I read but I felt lead of the Holy Spirit to share what Prince has said concerning healing.  If you do not know who Derek Prince is just Google him..... I know that this is long but I encourage you to finish reading this...we all have something we need to be healed of, whether it's sickness, unforgiveness, or ourselves. John 16:13-15 says, But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth). For He will not speak His own message [on His own authority]; but He will tell whatever He hears [from the Father; He will give the message that has been given to Him], and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future].
He will honor and glorify Me, because He will take of (receive, draw upon) what is Mine and will reveal (declare, disclose, transmit) it to you.
Everything that the Father has is Mine. That is what I meant when I said that He [the Spirit] will take the things that are Mine and will reveal (declare, disclose, transmit) it to you.

There are certain barriers to healing that we can clearly identify, and which the Holy Spirit will enable us to understand and remove so we can receive the healing Christ has provided for us.  The barriers are not on God's side. When Jesus died the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, signifying our access to God through Christ, and every barrier on God's side was removed. These barriers remain within the hearts and lives.  Whether you are seeking healing for yourself or for others, you must be aware of the barriers and deal with and remove them first. The first barrier, is Ignorance of God's Word & His Will!  Isaiah 5:13, the Lord says, Therefore my people have gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge.  No knowledge of the Word of God, which is all of God's promises to us.  No knowledge of what was accomplished by the death of Jesus on the cross.  Hosea 4:6 says, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.  The next barrier is somewhat related to the first and it is unbelief.  Some regard unbelief as a kind of harmless weakness but the New Testament calls it a Hebrews 3:12-13  There are so many "Christians" out there today that still believe that God puts sickness on people and that he does not heal.  There are many that believe in healing for others but don't feel that they are worthy of healing because of unconfessed sins or secrets, not realizing that it is not based on our works but again it is based on what Jesus accomplished on the cross.  The third barrier is unconfessed sin.  Proverbs 28:13 lays down a vital principle;  He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.  Many people are more concerned with what others think of them and their unconfessed sins, than what God already knows.  When you have told Him the worst about yourself , you haven't shocked Him.  He knew it all before you told Him.  God is not asking you to confess in order to find out what you have done.  He is asking you to confess because when you do, HE CAN HELP YOU.  He is never embarrassed to hear your confessions.  He desires to forgive you and to free you from your sins.  Forth barrier is unforgiveness toward other people.  Mark 11:25 states, And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him and let it drop (leave it, let it go), in order that your Father Who is in heaven may also forgive you your [own] failings and shortcomings and let them drop. Forgiveness is not an emotion but a decision-a decision of the will.  Ask the Holy Spirit to show you if there is any hidden root of bitterness in you.  Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you and show you what unforgiveness you may be holding in your heart towards others. Acknowledge it, confess it, renounce it, and forgive as God has forgiven you.  Involvement in the occult is another powerful barrier that keeps us from receiving healing.  There are many forms of the occult and today it is common..being in some way or having been, notice I said, have been involved in. Examples, fortune-telling, Ouija boards, horoscopes, any way in which superstition and satanic cults have invaded our contemporary culture.  We have to be careful of what we expose ourselves to.  Be careful not to allow ourselves to become desensitized to the things in the world around us and our family.  seek the Holy Spirit and He will show you things that need to be renounced. Renounce every contact with the occult.  In Exodus 23, Moses gave instruction to the children of Israel as to how they were to deal with forms of worship and religion that had been in the land of Canaan.  He warned them they were to have no part in it.  Ask God to forgive you and release you from it's influence.  Another barrier occult related is Ungodly Covenants.  It is possible for people to enter into a covenant with other people who follow false gods.  If you do that you become involved in the guilt of those people and their false gods.  This I personally have experienced with the father of my two daughters.  He is a Muslim.  This may be offensive to some of you but I say it in love because I know it to be true.  My covenant that I made with him has allowed the influence of false gods and the occult which is practiced by his family members to prevail at times in our lives.  My entering into a covenant with him has placed not only me but my entire family under a curse.  There are other groups or secret societies that fall into this category. Ask God to show you, release you, forgive you, and break its power over you right now in Jesus name.  The final barrier is the effects of a curse.  There are 7 common indications of a curse.  If several of these things apply to your or your family members, there is probably a curse over you.  The good news is that Jesus was made a curse so that we might be redeemed from the curse and receive the blessing.  1: History of mental and emotional breakdown 2: repeated chronic sickness, especially hereditary ones.  The mark of a curse is that it passes from generation to generation. 3: repeated miscarriages or female problems 4: breakdown of marriages and family alienation, always at war with each other. 5: Continuing financial insufficiency, never getting out of the poverty syndrome 6: Being accident prone 7: history of suicides or unnatural deaths.  The Holy Spirit is able to deal with any kind of curse in your life. I urge you to seek the Holy Spirit to see what barriers there are in your life that are preventing you from receiving your healing.  Let those who have ears hear in Jesus Name......  to be continued........

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