For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power!

For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Not My Way!!

Walk & Live habitually in the Holy Spirit (responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit) then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (of the human nature without God). Galatians 5:16  
Like a horse that has been trained to keep his ear always tuned to the voice of its master, we must be willing to follow the Lord in all His leading's, not just those we feel good about or happen to agree with. We won't always like what we hear Him tell us to do. Just Sunday night as I was coming home from church, God instructed me to take a different route. I did not want to take that route and I told God that I didn't want to because my way was faster. He simply said, "go up the hill, do not take your way!" I again said, No, God I wanna take my way, and with all patience he responded calmly "take my way!" I decided to obey because I know that he knows what he is talking about. So as I pass my turn and start up the hill my oldest daughter asks me, "mom, why are you taking this way?" I laughed out loud, because in times past if I had taken the longer way to go someplace else before home she never asked me why. I took this God's confirmation that he was pleased that I had obeyed his voice. Come to find out later the next day, there was a wreck on the stretch of road that I would have traveled home on, around the time that I would have been on that road. A drunk driver. See had I done it my way, instead of God's way..well I still believe His angels would have been there but you get my point.... We must realize that in order to follow God, the flesh must be told no at times, and when that happens, the flesh suffers, but for a moment. 
There are times when we are galloping full speed ahead in one direction when suddenly the Master tells us to stop and instructs us to go in another direction. It is painful to us when we don't get our way, but ultimately we understand that God's ways are always best. Paul writes about the conflict between the Spirit and the flesh. If we follow the leading of the Spirit, we won't satisfy or fulfill the desires of the flesh that lead us away from God's best. This verse doesn't say that the desires of the flesh will disappear; we will always have to wrestle against them. But if we choose to be led by the Spirit, we won't fulfill fleshly desires and the devil won't get his way. We will sense a war going on in us as we choose to follow God's leading. Our flesh and God's Spirit usually disagree and we are tempted to keep the flesh comfortable. But we all must learn to submit to God's ways. After all He is our Father and wishes above all things that we may prosper and be in good health. Decide today to be led by the Spirit walking after the desire and will of God and not our own, stepping out of our comfort zone and into God's supernatural!

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