For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power!

For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Always Forgiven

Good morning! How are we faithing? Apart from Christ, one is dead spiritually. Jesus was tempted but didn't give in. Jesus had opportunity but did not commit any sin. We who believe will stumble and sin some times but we are not wretched beasts who are incapable of a day without sin. That feat can be accomplished because the spirit that lives in us when we accept the grace of Jesus, makes it capable. I know I know, we've heard all our lives that we are wretched sinners and that is totally true before salvation but the Word tells us we are redeemed and no longer seen by God as those wretched sinners because he sees the advocate, Jesus his son. So if the Spirit abides in us and we follow after God and his Word, we can have days of sinlessness. When all sin is forgiven, we are dealing with a clean slate and with the Spirit guiding us, we can walk the narrow path of righteousness. This is not to make you haughty but to remind you of your redemption and to stop beating the crap out of yourself when you stumble. Repent as soon as you realize and move forward. Rejoice for those good days and thank God you are forgiven on the bad. This was very good and what I feel some of us needed to hear today! I copied and pasted this from our brother in Christ .....Russ Allen... Thank you Russ!!

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