He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand]. Psalm 91:1
For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power!
For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
I Come, Just as I am!
In your lives you must think and act like Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5
It's dangerous to sum up grand truths in one statement, but I'm going to try. If a sentence or two could capture God's desire for each of us, it might read something like this:
God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus.
God loves you just the way you are. If you think his love for you would be stronger if your faith were, you are wrong. If you think his love would be deeper if your thoughts were, wrong again. Don't confuse God's love with the love of people. The love of people often increases with performance and decreases with mistakes. Not so with God's love. He loves us right where we are.
Nothing in the whole world will ever be able to separate us from the love of God. Romans 8:39
We want to know how long God's love will endure...Not just on Easter Sunday when our shoes are shined and our hair is fixed...Not when I'm peppy and positive and ready to tackle world hunger. Not then. I know how he feels about me then. Even I like me then. I want to know how he feels about me when I snap at anything that moves, when my thoughts are gutter-level, when my tongue is sharp enough to slice a rock. How does he feel about me then? Can anything separate us from the love Christ has for us? God answered our question before we asked it. So we'd see his answer, he lit the sky with a star. So we'd hear it , he filled the night with a choir; and so we'd believe it, he became flesh and dwelt among us. He placed his hand on the shoulder of humanity and said, "You're something special Just the way we are!! We are something to him....we are special because HE sees the End from the beginning and the beginning from the end!!
Monday, December 26, 2011
The Water Of A Servant
To place our feet in the basin of Jesus is to place the filthiest parts of our lives into his hands. In the ancient East, people's feet were caked with mud and dirt. The servant of the feast saw to it that the feet were cleaned. Jesus is assuming the role of the servant. He will wash the grimiest parts of our lives. If we let him, the water of the Servant comes only when we confess that we are dirty. Only when we confess that we are caked with filth, that we have walked forbidden trails and followed the wrong paths..only when we acknowledge that we need a Savior. We will never be cleansed until we confess we are dirty. We will never be pure until we admit we are filthy. And we will never be able to wash the feet of those who have hurt us until we allow Jesus, the one we have hurt to wash ours.
"He poured water into a bowl and began to wash the followers' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him." John 13:5
Get The Vision
If you will put forth the necessary effort to renew your steady attitudes by replacing them with the glad song, the lost art of prayer will be regained by you, and love, praise, and gratitude will become your way of life.
When I commanded you to love me with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, I did so because this kind of attitude makes it possible to live upward toward the level of the Christ.
It has been hard for you to really love me in the past, even when you tried sincerely, because it is not a function of the surface mind to manufacture love for God or love for fellowman. Truth is needed first, and when it is present there love will be also.
If you hold your mind on the good news of how you and I relate, how we complement each other, how we are inseparably One whether you are aware of it or not, you will no longer have to force yourself to love me by whipping up a storm of willpower and determination.
However, if you fail to hold your mind on this good news, if you hear it and forget it, continuing to think of me as a God afar off, in this attitude I will remain too nebulous, too remote for sincere love. Or if, perhaps, you return to the old habit of thinking I am a God of wrath waiting to impinge punishment at your first mistake, then fear of me will far outweigh your love.
If you go back to thinking you cannot know me until after death, you are likely to wait until after death to feel anything about me at all, especially if you have been deceived into believing that your soul's future is secured through membership in some church. If you think I direct your activities through guiding spirits, you will idolize them instead of loving me as your guiding Father consciousness.
For these many reasons, understanding must come before genuine love for me. Understanding will fill your mind with a vision so beautiful, so desirable, so attainable, that you will never have to try to love me. Love will flood your mind and heart spontaneously every time you think of this great vision.
As you draw the vision to you, expanding it with all the detail you can gather—it will expand forever—the Light of Christ within you will be growing brighter every day. Charles Couch
Thursday, December 22, 2011
At The Break Of Dawn
Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. Luke 5:16
How long has it been since you let God have you? I mean really have you? How long since you gave him a portion of undiluted, uninterrupted time listening to His voice? Apparently Jesus did. He made a deliberate effort to spend time with God. If Jesus, the son of God felt that it was important to spend time with the Father then shouldn't we also feel the same and wouldn't it be wise of us to do so. Clear our calendar and give God the first parts of our days each and every day. It says in the bible that Jesus woke each morning early and went and prayed. I know from experience that in order to start the day off the way that God has planned for us it is vital that we seek his face each morning before anything else. Sometimes alone time can become rare to those who are like myself busy busy with caring for others and meeting all their needs. I find that it is hard for me to do what I do if I do not spend the first few waking hours communing with my Father. What stops you from consulting with you Father before the day begins? It is important that we acknowledge Him and listen for His guidance throughout the day....Our lives will become fuller and more enjoyable as we walk the path that God has designed specifically for us.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
At Home WIth God
If people love me, they will obey my teaching. My father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. John 14:23
God wants to be your dwelling place. He has no interest in being a weekend getaway or a Sunday bungalow or a summer cottage. Don't consider using God as a vacation cabin or an eventual retirement home. He wants you under His roof now and always. He wants to be your mailing address, your point of reference; He wants to be your home.... As my pastor says.."He desires to lean down and tie your shoes with you!" For many this is a new thought. We think of God as a deity to discuss, not a place to dwell. We think of God as a mysterious miracle worker, not a house to live in. We think of God as a creator to call on, not a home to reside in. But our Father wants to be much more. He wants to be the one in whom "we live and move and have our being" Acts 17:28
Thursday, December 15, 2011
It's Christmas Time!
I was young, and now I am old, but I have never see good people left helpless or their children begging for food. Psalm 37:25
With the Christmas celebration quickly approaching we tend to get lost in the hustle and bustle. We may spend too much but in my opinion we could never spend enough when we are GIVING.. Whether it is our time, our money, or ourselves, whatever seed we give and sow we will someday reap. God always makes a way where there seems to be no way and I want to thank him....many many times I have worried...we all worry...Worry about the IRS and the SAT and the FBI...We worry that we won't have enough money, and when we have money we worry that we won't manage it well. We worry that the world will end before the parking meter expires or before we find our call. We worry what the dog thinks as he chases the car down the road. We worry that one day we'll learn that fat-free yogurt was fattening. But, honestly now, Did God save us so that we would fret? Would he teach us to walk just to watch us fall down? Would he have been nailed to the cross for our sins and then disregard our prayers? Come on. Is Scripture teasing us when it reads, "He has put his angels in charge of us to watch over us wherever we go"? Psalms 91:11... So whatever you do this wonderful time of year...don't worry.. Just know that God...well He is a BIG GOD!! He has it all under control.. Sit back and enjoy the life that he has given us..freely...boldly...and living each moment of our days in faith. We do serve a mighty awesome God!!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Is God Listening??
I cry out to the Lord; I pray to the Lord for mercy. Psalm 142:1
You can talk to God because God listens. Your voice matters in heaven. He takes you very seriously. When you enter His presence, He turns to you to hear your voice. No need to fear that you will be ignored. Even if you stammer or stumble, even if what you have to say impresses no on, it impresses God, and he listens. He listens to the painful plea of the elderly in the rest home. He listens to the gruff confession of the death-row inmate. When the alcoholic begs for mercy, when the spouse seeks guidance, when the business man steps off the street into the chapel, God Listens. Intently. Carefully. He listens and he hears our prayers.
You can talk to God because God listens. Your voice matters in heaven. He takes you very seriously. When you enter His presence, He turns to you to hear your voice. No need to fear that you will be ignored. Even if you stammer or stumble, even if what you have to say impresses no on, it impresses God, and he listens. He listens to the painful plea of the elderly in the rest home. He listens to the gruff confession of the death-row inmate. When the alcoholic begs for mercy, when the spouse seeks guidance, when the business man steps off the street into the chapel, God Listens. Intently. Carefully. He listens and he hears our prayers.
How do you see you??
You are a chosen people, royal priests, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession. 1Peter 2:9
Do you ever feel unnoticed? New clothes and styles may help for a while. But if you want permanent change, learn to see yourself as God sees you: "He has covered me with clothes of salvation and wrapped me with a coat of goodness, like a bridegroom dressed for his wedding, like a bride dressed in jewels (Isaiah 61:10) Does your self-esteem ever sag? When it does, remember what you are worth. "You were bought, not with something that ruins like gold or silver, but with the precious blood of Christ, who was like a pure and perfect lamb" (1Peter 1:18-19) The challenge is to remember that. To meditate on it. To focus on it. To allow His love to change the way you look at you.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Daily Prayer
I pray that God retrieve all your children from the hands of any enemy... You and your family are loosed from any linkage to any family idol-generational curse - it is broken by the blood of Jesus! The cycle ceases now!! Lord, reveal every spiritual parasite and break every demonic hold in Jesus name! You have been freed - walk in your liberty! I declare this to be a season of divine favor for you, your family, your business and purpose -- Blessings will overtake you, doors will be opened to you, opportunities will chase you and the supernatural power of God will remain with you! Rest in His Promises - Love you all... XOXO
Today I Choose Life
Speak out to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, offering praise with voices and instruments and making melody with all your heart to the Lord. Ephesians 5:19
The King James version translates this verse as "Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heat to the Lord." I like to apply it both ways. The way I speak to myself is important, and the way I speak to others is important too. It is easy to fall into the trap of talking about negative things, problems, disappointments, and struggles. But none of that helps us stay filled with the Spirit and none of that reflects what the Holy Spirit wants to speak to us because He is not negative in any way. Even when He speaks to us about a problem, He speaks to bring a solution; and when He speaks to us about difficult situations, He does so to bring us comfort and strength. The more we think and talk about our problems, the weaker we become, but we are strengthened as we talk and think about Jesus and His promises to us. Life is not always easy; we all face difficulties at times. God has filled us with His Spirit to enable us to do difficult things with ease. When you are going through a hard time, keep your ear tuned in to the voice of God. Speak the positive things God says to you through His Word and through the voice of His Spirit in your heart. We all feed on our own words so it is very important to speak good words that are full of life.. Choose your words wisely, for they have the power of life or death.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Dealing With Rejection
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of sympathy (pity and mercy) and the God (Who is the Source) of every comfort (consolation and encouragement) 2 Corinthians 1:3
We all desire to be accepted, not rejected. I hate the lonely, isolated feeling and emotional pain that come from feeling rejected, yet at times I experience it. There was a time that I did not know that I could do anything about it. Thank God, all that has changed! Years ago, something happened that brought back those old pains of rejection. I reached out to someone who had hurt me greatly during my childhood. Instead of an apology, I got excuses and I was essentially blamed for something that wasn't my fault and received a pretty clear message that this person didn't have room for me in their life and no interest in me whatsoever. I wanted to hide and feel sorry for myself, but instead I immediately asked God to comfort me. I asked Him to heal my wounded emotions and my bleeding heart and to enable me to handle the situation as Jesus would have. As I continued to lean on God, I felt warmth come over me, almost as though a soothing oil was being poured over my wounds. I asked God to forgive the person who had hurt me, and He brought to my mind sayin, "Hurting people, hurt people." His intimate, personal response brought healing to my wounded spirit. God is the source of all comfort, consolation, and encouragement. Please, do everything you can to develop and maintain an intimate relationship with Him because that is the context within which you will be able to hear His voice, receive His comfort and healing, and be strengthened by His encouragement and care.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Firey Furnace
Because he loves me, says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name." Psalm 91:14
What do you think it would feel like to have the Lord reach down and rescue you when you are in trouble?
Without audibly hearing God's voice or feeling His bodily presence, we often forget to seek His wisdom, and instead make decisions on our own. But the Lord is with us, no matter what we need. We must constantly remind ourselves that we will never be alone.
"As sure as ever God puts His children into the furnace, He will be in the furnace with them." Charles Spurgeon
Monday, December 5, 2011
God's In Love With Me!
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Colossians 3:2
I am always on His mind, the Lord dreams about me, therefore I will set my mind on Him. With my whole heart I will love him, with my mind and all of my strength. I choose this day to set my mind on all of Your ways...the ways of heaven...not on the things that I can see in this earthly realm. I will acknowledge the supernatural realm that is taking place behind the veil...the veil that seems untorn to most. In the day I will dream of You...You are always on my mind! Wasting my life searching you...Though you are holy, I know that I too am always on your mind even though I am weak and lowly. In You I am made strong.....For I am in love with God and God is in love with me!! How far will you let me go? How better will you let me be?
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Attitude Determines Our Destiny
Keep guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life Proverbs 4:23
"Attitude is very important; our attitudes become the behavior that we display. Attitude, good or bad, begins with thoughts. A well known quote says, "Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny." Destiny is the outcome of life; character is who we are; habits are subconscious patterns of behavior. Our destiny, or the outcome of our lives, actually comes from our thoughts. That is where the entire process begins. No wonder the bible teaches us to entirely renew our minds, developing new attitudes and ideals. We are to be good students of God's word and by it develop new thinking patterns, which will ultimately change our entire destiny, the outcome of our lives. We can hinder the Holy Spirit with bad attitudes such as bitterness, anger, unforgiveness, mean-spiritdness, disrespect, seeking revenge, or being ungrateful- and that list could go on and on. The Holy Spirit flows through a godly attitude, not an ungodly one. Satan will always to to fill our minds with wrong thoughts, but we do not have to receive what he tries to give us. I would not take a spoonful of poison simply because someone offered it to me, and neither would you. If we are smart enough to refuse poison, we should be intelligent enough not to allow Satan to poison out thoughts, our attitudes, and ultimately our destiny."
Saturday, December 3, 2011
We Can Change Gods' Mind
The Lord turned from the evil which He had thought to do to His people. Exodus 32:14
Do you know that this verse tells us that prayer can change God's mind? As a result of someone who will simply take the time to talk to Him and listen to Him, God can actually reconsider something He had planned to do. When Moses went up Mount Sinai to get the Ten Commandments, he was gone longer than the people wanted him to be. In the absence of their leader, they forgot the Lord, gave in to their fleshly desires and decided to melt all their jewelry, make a golden calf, and worship it. God spoke to Moses on the mountain and said, essentially, "You better get back down there, because the people have really gotten themselves in a mess. And I'm angry about it." Thank God Psalm 30:5 says that His anger lasts only a moment, but His mercy is forever!
Moses began to intercede for the people because he cared so much about them. God had already said to him "Leave Me Alone, for these people are stiff-necked and stubborn" Exodus 32:9-10. But Moses refused to give up because the issue was not settled in his heart. He loved the people, he knew the nature of God, and he knew the character of God. On top of that, he knew that God really loved the people and did not really want to leave them stranded. Moses asked God, to change His mind Exodus 32:12 and according to the first verse, God did. We can make a difference when we pray! Today when you pray, know that God hears and He will answer!!! Joyce Meyer
Do you know that this verse tells us that prayer can change God's mind? As a result of someone who will simply take the time to talk to Him and listen to Him, God can actually reconsider something He had planned to do. When Moses went up Mount Sinai to get the Ten Commandments, he was gone longer than the people wanted him to be. In the absence of their leader, they forgot the Lord, gave in to their fleshly desires and decided to melt all their jewelry, make a golden calf, and worship it. God spoke to Moses on the mountain and said, essentially, "You better get back down there, because the people have really gotten themselves in a mess. And I'm angry about it." Thank God Psalm 30:5 says that His anger lasts only a moment, but His mercy is forever!
Moses began to intercede for the people because he cared so much about them. God had already said to him "Leave Me Alone, for these people are stiff-necked and stubborn" Exodus 32:9-10. But Moses refused to give up because the issue was not settled in his heart. He loved the people, he knew the nature of God, and he knew the character of God. On top of that, he knew that God really loved the people and did not really want to leave them stranded. Moses asked God, to change His mind Exodus 32:12 and according to the first verse, God did. We can make a difference when we pray! Today when you pray, know that God hears and He will answer!!! Joyce Meyer
Friday, December 2, 2011
God......Speak To Me!!
Depart from me, all you workers of iniquity, for the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping. The Lord has heard my supplication; the Lord receives my prayer Psalm 6:8-9
When we pray, God hears us and He answers. We need to become like David, confident as he was when he wrote the verses in Psalms. We can live with confidence as long as we know that God is on our side and that He will help us win our battles in life. We are not alone. God is with us! I find that reading the book of Psalms is a great way to hear from God. He speaks to us through His word and He watches over His word to perform it. Psalms are especially encouraging in times of trouble. As we read them, we need to take them personally. Don't meditate on them as if they are not for you. Meditate on them as if they are yours, words directly from God. His personal letter to us. He wants us to know that He has good plans for us and no matter who comes against us, HE IS FOR US!! God delivered David from his enemies and He will do the same for us if we remain confident in Him. Stay in peace and continue thanking God that He is working in our lives. God has not forgotten us. He will not be late in delivering the answer to our prayers. He may not be early, but He won't be late! Keep your vision in front of you and don't ever give up!! God will send us help; He will support, refresh, and strengthen us!!
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