For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power!

For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Status Update!!

Wow, where do I begin... As I look at my Blog that I started almost two years ago and have not posted to it in almost a year now, as I go back and read my posts I am humbled.  It is amazing how within just less than a year and in a moment how things in our lives can change.  I surely have changed and still am changing daily.  I have experienced quite a lot in such a short time.  As many may know, this year began to be one of the worst years I have ever experienced.  My mother became really ill back in January right after Christmas and was admitted into the hospital.  I was faced with the fact that our mortal bodies don't live forever and that I just may lose my mother, my confidant, my counselor, & my best friend.  For nearly 5 months my mother was in and out of hospitals. At the same time, my husband who had always had heart problems found out that his heart was blocked and needed another stint put in in February.  In March we were told that we had to move out of the house we were renting and I was to start a new job and moved my family closer to where I would be working and we moved into our dream home, with a new dream job and I thought that it was going to be the best time of our lives and that we may be able to recover from all the emotional stress and sickness that our family had been hit with.  I just jumped, I didn't pray, neither did we seek & ask God if it was his will. We were impulsive and just needed change and thought that it would be good.  We moved, I started my new job, my mother came home from the hospital, the kids were in school, and things seemed to be getting better.  I was in expectation of better days ahead.  In April, my husband passed away in my arms, my mother went back into the hospital, I lost my dream job, and I lost my dream home.  I felt as if I had no one. I struggled with depression, anxiety, guilt, and anger.  If it had not have been for my children I would have killed myself. I was in pretty rough shape.  Few events in life are as painful as the death of a spouse. I was  uncertain if I would survive this overwhelming loss. At times, I was uncertain if I even would have the energy or desire to try to heal. I was beginning a journey that is often frightening, overwhelming and sometimes lonely. I went back to the ONE...the one who made me...the one who loved me unconditionally...I knew all these things but for some reason I felt like I could not connect with God.  Like He was not hearing my cries.  Or either I was not able to hear His voice. Isaiah 40:29 says, "He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."  I couldn't understand why in my weakness He was not there... or at least I didn't feel like He was.  Until one day I read the scripture again and again and again and I saw it "they that wait"!  I didn't understand waiting, I was so impulsive in anything that I did.  If I wanted it I bought it....didn't matter if I had the means to or not I managed to get it.  "Wait, you say? What do you think I have been doing all my life? All I know how to do anymore is to wait!" I can see nothing developing but a deferred hope, and my heart has been made sick!

 Most have probably been waiting in the manner that this English word implies: "To be in expectation; as, to wait for sunrise. To remain in readiness for some action...." (Webster's Dict.); in other words, to just simply sit back in an easy chair and wait for something to happen whether they have any part in it or not.  

The word wait in this verse comes from the Hebrew word qavah which means "To bind together (perhaps by twisting), i.e. collect; (figuratively) to expect" (Strong's). It is the binding together that we want to first take note of, especially with the indication that it is a binding as a result of twisting (Genesius Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament's first word for its meaning is "to twist"). It is akin to chabal (meaning to twist) from which "cord" is translated. It is in this thought, of a cord or a rope, that wait speaks of in the above verse (Isa. 40:31). Genesius also says that qavah means "to be strong, robust (for the notion of binding fast, tying fast, is applied to strength...i.e. ropes...."

We have all been, and some still are, like individual strands of a fiber, dangling freely, and of very little use in God's kingdom, and will remain so until becoming one with Him. Before we wait upon Him, i.e. until we are bound together with Him, we will be void of any quality strength, we will be unable to ascend like the eagles, we cannot run without becoming weary, nor can we walk any distance at all without fainting. We may have been waiting for many trying years for God to do something in our lives, hoping to be liberated from the bondage of flesh and the world. The truth of the matter is,  we could wait until the dusty blanket of earth is laid over our faces and skin worms devour our mortal bodies, and we would still remain void of the majesty of Christ Jesus. Simply waiting for it to happen will not produce the overcoming union with Christ that the creation is waiting to see in the Sons of God, that glorious appearing Paul spoke of in Romans 8:19-21. I knew right at that moment what I had to do and why these things were happening to me!  

Just like the rope maker, God will firmly place His strong right hand on one end of the rope, and in a vise like grip He will begin to twist the strands in the direction of righteousness. This would not be painful at all, that is, if pressure was not being applied from the other end, and in the opposite direction. You see, in order for the twisting to work, the left hand of the adversary must oppose the Spirit. The circumstances of life that are so tremendously adverse to our comfort and well being are part of the left hand of twisting. The adverse desires, goals, imaginations, lusts of the flesh, or any carnal thing that opposes God will consist of that evil hand.

Our lives, like the strands of a rope, are first soaked in cool, refreshing water. Once we have been made soft and pliable the tranquility comes to an end. We are then jolted to the adverse realities of life as we are subjected to tremendous pressures. On one end of the rope of our lives, the right hand of God takes a firm grip and begins His twisting in the positive direction of holiness, while the left hand of adversity on the other end twists in the opposite direction, toward the negative desires of our lustful flesh and carnal reasoning. There are many other types of pressures that we will not notice; suffice it to say, during the time of our waiting upon the Lord, we may wonder what is happening, for it will seem as if our very life is being wrung out, and it is, but it is necessary for a season.

This, however, is not the end of the process, for once everything that we had cherished so dearly is pressed from us, like the rope, we are then laid upon a hard Rock in order for the burning rays of the Sun to dry us even more. We remain there, and still under pressure, until it is thoroughly dry. Once the rope is parched and seemingly void of life, the pressures of the right and left hands can be removed, for the rope will then hold its form. All THREE STRANDS, the Spirit, the soul, and the body, have been formed into ONE CORD which is not quickly broken. The Master can now use it for the purpose it was designed, and He will have no concern of it breaking or any of the strands unraveling and becoming independent of one another.  When it is used in the Kingdom, when it is subjected to heavy loads, we will find that these adversities only cause each strand to draw closer together -- strengthening one other. The purpose it was designed for soon becomes evident, and we rejoice! We then not only know that we can, but we begin to mount up with wings as eagles, we run the race and never grow weary, and we walk the straight and narrowing way without fainting! Praise God for all those who WAIT!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Confession...

I am alert and active, watching over my word to perform it.  Jeremiah 1:12

One of the most powerful things we can do as believers is to confess God's Word.  His Word is truth, and when He hears us speaking His truth and living our lives according to it, great things happen.  I encourage all of you to confess the Bible-based truths below repeatedly, so they can become part of the foundation of a strong self-image in your life.

1.  I know God created me, and He loves me.

2.  I have faults and weaknesses, and I want to change.  I beleive God is changing me little by little, day by    day.  While He is doing so, I can still enjoy myself and my life.

3.  Everyone has faults, so I am not a complete failure just because I am not perfect.

4.  I am going to work with God to overcome my weaknesses, but I realize that I will always have soemthing to deal with;  therefore I will not become discouraged when God convicts me of areas that need improvement.

5.  I want to make people happy and have them like me, but my sense of worth does not depend on what other think of me.  Jesus has already affirmed my value by His willingness to die for me

No matter how often I fail, I will not give up, because God is with me to strengthen and sustain me.  He has promised to never leave me or forsake me.  I like myself.  I don't like everything I do, and I want to change but I refuse to reject myself.  I am right with God through Jesus Christ.  God has a good plan for my life.  I am going to fulfill my destiny and be all I can be for His glory.  I have God-given gifts and talents, and I intend to use them to help others.  I am nothing, and yet I am everything!  In myself I am nothing, and yet in Jesus I am everything I need to be!  I can do all things I need to do, everything God calls me to do through His Son Jesus Christ.

I am who He says I am......Not who everyone, including myself thinks that I am!!

True Forgiveness

I discovered something very powerful this past weekend about the power of forgiveness. All my life I have been willing to forgive, or so I thought, and to forget instances where I had felt that I had been wronged. I felt in my heart and in my soul that I truly did forgive people who had hurt me and was a bit arrogant that it seemed to have come so easily for me. Since I have been forgiven of much, why not forgive others. I watched unforgiveness rip apart the lives of other people around me and decided that I wouldn't allow that to happen to me because after all my unforgiveness would only hurt ME in the long run. What about those who have hurt us? They know that they have wronged us in some way....what feelings do they do they react if they pass us in the grocery store or when we see them at the doctors office? What do they feel inside their hearts? This never concerned me before until now. My vision was clouded by the thought that they went along living normal lives not caring whether or not they hurt me or not. This is true for some, but not for most! We all want love and harmony. No one wants discord and bitterness or wrath. To let someone who has wronged you know that you forgive them and love them no matter what they may have done allows "them" to be free from the weight of unforgiveness and not only us. After all this walk in life is not about us! ME ME ME ME!! It's about us connecting to and being transformed in our hearts, minds, & bodies. To hear the words, "Thank you for forgiving me," and seeing their heads rise and the smile on their face is one of the greatest rewards for us as children of the Most High God. #justathought

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Get the devil back!

If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink; for in doing so, you will heap coals of fire upon his head, and the Lord will reward you.  Proverbs 25:21,22

on the way to work this morning, part of my morning ritual is to stop at the store and buy something for me to drink.  This morning while I was in line this older woman was fumbling through a change purse trying to get enough money to buy herself a cup of coffee.  I felt the Holy Spirit tell me to buy her the coffee, so I informed the cashier that I would get it to put it on me.  The woman turned and gave me a disgusted look, and I said "it would be a privilage for me to buy you a cup of coffee." She again looked at me harsh and flatly refused.  Actually, she made a big scene so much that it embarassed me, and at first I thought, Lord, I know that didn't come from you telling me to buy her a coffee and I won't do that again ever! The Holy Spirit rose up within me that instant and spoke, "that is exactly what the devil wanted you to say," so I changed my mind.  That was a very difficult moment, but it made me sadly aware of how many people don't know how to receive a blessing-probably because it never happens to them.

Each act of kindness is my way of obeying God and overcoming the evil in the world.  I don't know what bad things happened to people, and perhaps my acts of kindness will help heal the wounds in their souls.  I also believe that kindness toward others is a way for me to get the devil back for the pain he has caused in my life.  He is evil to the maximum degree; he is the perpetrator of all the evil we experience in the world, so every act of love, goodness, and kindness is like stabbing him in his wicked heart.  If you've been mistreated and wished you could get back at the devil for the pain he has caused you, then be good to as many people as you can.  It's God's way, and it will work because lover never fails.  Don't get discouraged like the devil would want you to do...just press on and keep being nice anyways.  What is that old saying after all, you can get more bees with honey than with vinegar!

Friday, June 22, 2012

To my Daddy!

Dad, there are not enough words to express
How much I have longed for you
and tried not to be depressed

Many years have passed us by,

But God has given us time to really see
what matters most and that is
you & I

I no longer look at us with hatred in my heart

I am so very thankful for we've been given
a brand new start.

We will talk about the things that fill
a life with love and pain
but through timeless golden time
the unspoken still remains

Remembering the way you would hold me
and sing sweet songs of Jesus

A little girls needs her daddy
for many many things

Like holding me high up off the ground
Where the sunlight sings

Like being the deep music
That tells me, all is right

When I awakens frantic
with the terrors of the night

Like being the great mountain
that rises in my heart
and shows me how to stand up tall
when all else falls apart.

Like giving me the love
that is my sea & air
So diving deep or soaring high
I'll know you always care.
I want to get to know you more, your thoughts and your desires
and share with you my love
For you are my daddy, NOW
Thanks to God Above.

I love you James Dennis! Happy Fathers Day!!

A Father's Love

Throughout the Bible a person is always identified as the son—or daughter—of a certain man. This is expressed also in many English family names, such as Williamson, Jackson, Thompson. In each case, a person’s identity is derived from a father. The breakdown of the family in many nations today has produced what has become known as “generation X.” X represents the unknown quantity. Many young people in this sad generation have no significant relationship with a father. Consequently they have an identity crisis. They do not really know who they are. The unspoken cry of their hearts is for a father. I believe that if the Christian Church of today can effectively communicate the reality of God as a Father, multitudes of young people will run into their Father’s arms. We can do this in the same way that Jesus “manifested” the Father’s name to His disciples: by demonstrating in our daily lives the reality of our own personal relationship with the Father. Picture a little child held securely by his father’s arm, with his face pressed against the father’s shoulder. There may be great confusion and distress all around. The world may seem to be falling apart. But the little child is totally at peace, unconcerned by what is taking place all around him. He is secure in his father’s arms. We, too, are securely held by our Father. Jesus has assured us that our Father is greater than all that may surround us and no one is able to snatch us out of His hand. To His disciples Jesus also gave this assurance: “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”We may be just a little flock, surrounded by wild beasts of all kinds. But if our Father has committed Himself to give us the kingdom, there is no power in the universe that can withhold it from us.


One of the most important lessons we can ever learn is to enjoy every day of our lives as we look forward to the future. One of my greatest desires is to see people thoroughly enjoy the quality of life Jesus decided to give us- not to just read about it or talk about it, but to walk in it and experience it as a daily reality. Many people, including myself are extremely goal oriented. We are so focused on tomorrow that we often fail to appreciate and enjoy today because we are always thinking ahead, looking to the next event, working to complete the next assignment, and seeing what we can check off of our to-do-lists. Our fast-paced, high pressure society urges us to accomplish as much as we can as quickly as we can-so we can then accomplish even more. Over the years, I have learned that the intense pursuit of one goal after another can cause us to miss out on some of the enjoyment life offers us. God does have purposes and plans He wants us to fulfill during the course of this life but He also wants us to enjoy and make the most of everyday we live. I thank you Lord for reminding me this morning to recognize the small things and take joy in each moment. I repent for letting it all rush by me and not noticing the importance of each moment that you have blessed me with. Today is the day You have given me and I will rejoice and be glad in it!